pain de campagne

I’m heading out of town and away from my oven for a while, so I decided to make some pain de campagne ( that’s the French white country loaf) to practice more before I go.  It’s quite easy to do this during my at-home workday since it only requires a few minutes of actual attendance as it bakes etc.  Here are the details:

White flour: 92.5%
Whole wheat flour: 7.5%
salt: 2.5%
water: ~ 81% (this round was slightly dryer than when I last made the bread on the weekend)
levain: mostly white levain, slightly wetter than the dough: 45%
supplemental dry yeast: about 1.5g
recipe source: pain de campagne from Ken Forkish’s Four Water Salt Yeast

Method: 4 hour bulk fermentation (a bit less than recommended), 3 turns in first 2 hours.  12 hour overnight prove in fridge.  Baked using dutch over method, 45 minute preheat, 30 mins lid on (475) 18 mins lid off (450)

Notes:  I haven’t tasted this bread yet, but it came out quite handsome-looking.  Pretty good rise and bake, good color.  The lavian I used in this round was particularly good-smelling, so I expect the bread to taste pretty good too.

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